Lupine makes for a beautiful butterfly garden!
Lupin - A true garden classic!
Lupins are very popular perennials and true garden classics. Together with hollyhocks, delphiniums and daylilies, among others, they create a romantic and nostalgic atmosphere that is hard to resist. Lupines are easy plants, with beautifully shaped and coloured flowering spikes that stand proudly. Lupines also require little care to thrive.
Lupines combine beautifully with different plants and bulbs
With their unusually shaped and cheerfully coloured flowering spikes and beautiful leaves, Lupines are well worth planting in the garden. You can create wonderful garden combinations with lupines. They combine beautifully with various perennials and bulbs. In our online garden centre, you can easily order the right lupines for your garden. From yellow, cream and white, to the classic purple and pink varieties. Or, very daringly, the special red variety. Lupines will not disappoint you.